
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Martini Hand Painted Glass - Firebird

I have finished working on this glass probably a month ago, maybe even more. I had only one problem - completely no time to take pictures and post it. Working till late night, bad weather or simply weak memory.
I planned to take glass with me to weekend trips and make really nice pictures in the mountains, on the river, next to the beautiful mansion... but each time when we arrive I realized that this happened again - I forgot the glass at home.
Finally I gave up and just make pictures in closest park during rollerblading.
This glass is special. There is first time when I have painted a leaving creature on glass. This is magic Firebird from Eastern European fairy tales.
The second thing that make this glass special - I have not painted whole surface of glass. I just only draw and painted bird on it. I am not sure that I use such approach painting other glasses.