
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Shabby Chic Cake Box

Today we are going to create box in shabby chic style. This box looks like most delicious cake you have ever tried but have no calories:-) One more bonus: this cake will be good for years. 

So lets start with ingredients:
- nubby velour;
- polyester batting;
- carton;
- corrugated carton
- lining cloth
- fabric
- glue (transparent), multi-purpose glue

Preparing carton base. Cut from corrugated carton two circles (diameter 7,5 inches) and 4 strips (two - one inch wide and 2 - 1.8 inches wide). Remove one top layer from strips (the one without lines).

Put two plates together using multi-purpose glue and paper strips. Fasten sides by strips we removed before.

Covering base by fabric. Сut out circle from sheeting (diameter 7.5 inches + some extra space for seam 0.1), 2 stripes (wide 2,8 inches and 3.2 inches, length - 26 inches). Sew down parts of cake's bottom and cover carton on top as its shown on picture

Put together prepared details of bottom part and under velour put thin polyester batting strips.

Preparing "cream". Cut off tree circles. One - from white paper,  diameter 7.5 inches; one polyester batting circle - diameter 7.8 inches, and one circle from pink fabric, diameter 8.3 inches. The fabric should be elastic. Sew cloth to of cake bottom and velour.

Decorate your cake using roses, flowers, etc. You can prepare it using cloth scraps.

The "cream" line can be done from narrow jersey strips. You should stretch it simultaneously it intertwists. All you need to do - sew it accurately.

Stuffing cooking.  For "stuffing" you need two circles cut off white carton, diameter 7 inches. Also cut off strips, width is 2 inches. If your carton is not white in addition you should use white paper. The same details should be cut from polyester batting. Take a lining cloth and cut off strip 4.3 inches wide, and two circles - diameter 10, 2 inches. Sew out carton parts with cloth putting under it polyester batting.

And finally - last step. Using glue put together all parts of box. You are done! Enjoy!
This master class was originally prepared by Galina Maximova, you can find it here. Also check out Galina personal page  and blog - you can find more lessons and crafty creations from Galina.

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