
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Coffee can = Gift "box"

I made this gift container for my very good friend. Hope she'll enjoy it. Such type of "gift boxes" is good for small and fragile gifts or gift sets (chocolate, coffee, figurines....)
So materials:
1) Empty coffee can
2) Christmas themed napkins. We need to cut out pictures from them:
3) Glue
4) Acrylic paints
5) Thin paper
6) water based finish
Step 1. Make a texture. Mix glue and some water and attach thin paper to your coffee can. Let it dry
Step 2. Cover your coffee can with acrylic paint. Let it dry. 
Step 3. Attach cut out picture to jar using water-glue mix. Again let it dry
Step 4. Using acrylic paints add some details, shadows and accents to picture. Let it dry.
Step 4. Cover your jar with water based finish.
Here is the result:

Thats all for Christmas 2010. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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