
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Handmade valentines: make it by your own hands

St. Valentine's Day is on next Monday, but it's still more than enough time to create very special valentine for your very special one. Below you can find some ideas and "how to's".
First idea - box with the kiss. For the laziest ones. Take any nice small or big or even huge box. Decorate it with harts, or kisses. If you are the lazy champion, you can just buy nice red box, if not you can cut out hearts, flowers and kisses, buy a lot of small valentines and attach them to the box or buy ready heart shaped stickers and put them to the box
Thats all for this idea. After preparing your box you should come to you Valentine, open box, kiss the air in the box and quickly close it. Your present is ready:) Give it to your sweet hart.
Next idea - Be My Valentine garland:
Step by step instruction you  can find here.
Next idea - aromatic valentines made from salt dough.
To create such cute valentines we need:
- cup of flour
- 1/3 cap of salt
- 1/2 tbs of corn starch 
- hot water
- fragrance oil
- food color
Mix water and food color. Add water to mix of  starch, flour and salt. Brake dough with fragrance oil. Sculpture anything you like (for Valentines day it's probably should be hearts) and put it to the dry and warm place. Let them dry for couple days and then put them everywhere. 
I like pop-ups cards a lot. So here are couple ideas for them.
If you like these pop-ups you can find how to make them here. There were simple ones. The following requires a way more time and a little more skills but they are really gorgeous:
The templates for these cards you can find below. The larger size is available after click on the picture.

That's all for today. I'll continue tomorrow:)

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