
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Glass 3 - Poppies

Aren't you tired to see my amateur glass painting each week? I am a little bit tired from painting it. But three out of six are done. Here are first one, second one and finally third one:
 This one I like more than others and I even don't know why. It was fun to paint it and it was really easy. Time was going so quick when I worked on it. I just started and two hours are gone.
Hope my friend will like this one as much as I am. Because I would like to leave this glass for myself to be honest. First two - no, they are not mine, but this one - like part of my soul. If I love my friend a little bit less I will never give it to her:) But she is really one of the best friends and best persons I have ever met.

 I believe I need to wait for one sunny day to make pictures. They look great in sun light. But it's raining in New Jersey all time this spring. Do you know where is summer now?
Now summer and spring are only on my glasses. Fair Lawn - this is how I am going to name this set of glasses.

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