
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

License plates are everywhere:-)

It's not a secret that I addicted to old and new license plates. Sometimes ago I started to bring old license plates from my trips with and instead of magnets. To be honest I love everything related to road and trips. So I have some   small collection:

 In addition I have modern parking sign
My Road Trip entry way furniture piece continues license plates and road theme in my appartments
You can see - I am a little bit crazy about it :) So I start to look for people who are crazy the same way and found them!
The first license plates thing that impressed me was this king of ladies purses.
How beautiful, ha? And you can be sure - everybody will notice your purse. What state do you prefer today? Texas? New York? Florida? or Wyoming?
The following purse you can do by yourself. Here is great tutorial and here is the bag: 
License plates are great not only for glamorous girls, they are great also for anybody who should clean house or apartments. Next stylish item - license plates dustpan.
You cannot even imagine how many-sides license plates are. You can use it in every room in your house even in bathroom as toilet paper holder:
Or in the leaving room as wall decor:
Next one - license plates memo board:
Do you like it? If yes - here is the tutorial how to create this one.
Lets continue with bookend. You can also do it. How to is here.
I believe there are a lot of other stuff that you can make using license plates, and a lot of interior design ideas with license plates theme. If you know some I'll really appreciate if you share it with me. 

This post was prepared used materials from the following web-pages http://www.greenandmore.com

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