
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lamps, clocks and more....

It's interesting. Looks like if I start writing about something, for example about stools or lamps I'm constantly finding more and more amazing examples of this things. Last my post was about silverware ceiling lamp and right after posting I found some more lamps I I'd like to share.
Do you think that picture above is picture of somebody's interior? Yes, it is. But... this is just a part of "interior" lamp:
This lamp was created by Yevgenia Homyachkova. She is really creative handmade master, she makes lamps, wall clocks, mirrors and many other things.  Next her creation can be added to my old post about furniture and home decor that looks like an animals. I believe it will be great in African style interior:
Are you thinking about decoration of your rustic cabin? If so next two lamps will be perfect find for it:

As I said before Yevgenia aslo creates wall clocks. And I don't even know what she makes better, just one example to inspire you
This wall clocks were made in stained glass technique. And I like it so much!!! Yevgenia is very productive handmader so if you wish to see more her art works or buy something you can do it by visiting her LJ blog, her picture gallery or her shop.   

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